Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Izzit A girl sit beside that mean love ???

Everyone said whn a girl sit beside that's mean u love her or she love u ..... izzit true ???
I wish everyone can post some comment and some discussion......
when a girl sit beside ....so that mean u love her ? but i don't think so ......
my friends always said i love the girl that sit beside me .... oh Really ?? Actually like this age ...... I command don't do this such kind action jz still a children we just focus in our study not about loves~
I really hate my class some friends ( boy ) they always said me that i love somebodies ...... Somebodies help me if those guys see this blog i wish they can change their attidute ==

Friday, March 13, 2009

Monday, March 9, 2009

My Birthday Arrive

Yeah my brithday come already at 10 march ^^ but no celebrate with freind

celebrate with my FAMILY ^^

My Favorites Anime Picture

Actually i have more pic lazy to put out this picture is all anime boy . Next time i post anime girl , try my best lol sometimes cannot found xP